Where is Woolgoolga?

2025 AOC International Conference & Show hosted by Woolgoolga District Orchid Society

300 metres west of this beautiful creature.

46 Kilometres north east of the Dorrigo Sky Walk where orchids are cascading from the branches.

40 minutes north of Coffs Harbour’s major regional airport.

15 minutes north of Coffs Harbour’s major tourist accommodation.

2 hours drive from the Gold Coast down the new Pacific Expressway.

6 hours drive north of Sydney or 55 minutes flight.


There are a number of accommodation options available in Woolgoolga close to the venue as well as throughout the Coffs Coast all within 30mins drive.

See the below 2 websites for local accommodation options or visit your online booking platform of choice,

Woolgoolga and Northern Beaches Chamber of Commerce Accommodation members
Coffs Coast

Contact Us

Conference registrations are now open, and can be made here: https://www.aoc2025.org.au/conference-registration/